Unveiling the Geopolitical Dynamics of the west asia: A Narrative of Alliances and Power Struggles"
Have you ever considered the west asia which play a crucial role in fueling the economies of the West by exporting oil, thereby supporting their industries and transportation systems? Why don't they consider imposing an oil embargo, at least on Israel if not the entire West? The reason can be attributed to the unquestioning alliance of the Middle Eastern nations, except Iran, with the Western powers. Their ideologies have been subsumed by the imperialistic inclinations of the West. The Muslim Brotherhood, once a significant force, has lost its prominence among the Arab nations. They tend to prioritize materialistic values imported from the West over their own religious and cultural beliefs. Furthermore, they have become excessively reliant on Western technology and lack the capacity to refine their oil independently due to inadequate infrastructure and machinery. History serves as a testament to the invasive tactics employed by the USA and its allies in the region, evident in ...