**loosening control v/s tighetning control** by Danish farooq

Friends as you all know that our country is having tensions with china, nepal  and Pakistan

Here I have presented my views how we can tighten control in the borders sharing with these countries

*Tightening Control vs Loosing Control*
14 Nov 1962 the Indian Parliament had passed resolution that Aksai Chin and neighborhing areas are integral part of India and in Feb 1994 that J&K including PoK is also integral part of India. 
The biggest and boldest decision how ever came on 5 Aug 2019 when article 370 was abrogated and section 35 A repealed. Though statement by Mr. S Jaishankar on 12 Aug 2019 during his visit to China stated that abrogation of Article 370 did not impact on LoC and LAC, which may have said to placate China was far from truth. Abrogation did change the dynamics, at least on paper, maps and even weather reports of PoK by Indian meteorological stations and also thought process in Pakistan and of anti India loudmouths based in Kashmir. 
If we can term previous Chinese incursions as land grabbing actions the present one in May 2020 is different.
China had been constantly building infrastructure for example the high altitude airport in Shaksgam in Gilgit Baltistan at the same time India to has been building roads, airfields and helipads with the noteworthy 255 km Darbuk-Shayok-Daulat Beg Oldie road between Leh to Karakoram with an aim to build all 61 strategic roads by 2022 in Indian northern states.
Since long during summers the Chinese have been intruding in Indian territory. Due to mutually signed 2005 protocol for "stand offs" " Neither will use force or threaten and treat each other with dignity and refrain from violence these intrusions are leading to heartburns, hectic diplomatic activities and limited military escalation.
To avoid circumventing the Strait of Malacca the options China has, to name a few, thru Indian territory are Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim and Laddakh. 
Arunachal Pradesh route to Bay of Bengal is least likely due the other Indian States and Myanmar in between though Chinese gas pipelines have reached Myanmar.
After having established the Communist Govt in Nepal , Payra Seaport of Bangladesh already roped in as one of the pearls in String of Pearls initiatives only 17 km wide so called chicken neck corridor on Indian soil is obstacle to reach the Bay of Bengal.
Bay of Bengal will be less chosen sea route by China to ship it's goods due to absence of any allies in the Bay. 
Considerable infrastructure development by China on CPEC ( China Pakistan Economic Corridor) with billions of dollars already pumped in and all weather beggar friend Pakistan in support becomes the most viable option to reach Arabian sea with Pakistani Navy in support which is not there in Bay of Bengal. 
China vehemently refuted abrogation of Article 370 in all forums including UN and supported Pakistan because the the road, pipelines etc passes thru PoK. 
The present Indian govt has stated that PoK is Indian territory and Pakistan must evict it. This is a major blow to China and on its dream projects of OBOR and CPEC. 
Another major blow which China may face is it's String of Pearls initiatives in which it used to put small economically weak countries under severe debts and then acquire real estate from those countries ,because Chinese economy is likely to face a very big setback due to China virus or COVID 19 as its called. 
The present stand off by China in May 2020 is to show it's flexing muscles which got a severe jolt by Indian govt not relenting to pressure and U S govt tabling a bill to recognize Tibet as country. 
The manufacturing units leaving China, anger of the world due to Chinese virus, diplomatic attacks and hatred what common man developed against China will leave this hegemonic country in dire straits.
It will thus to regain it's stand in Southern Asia will increase its relations manifold with Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh and will profusely strengthen it's String of pearls. 
India has to remain in its firm footing, increase military presence in Laddakh, support USA in its bills supporting Tibet and Hongkong. 
Improving ties with Nepal are very important at this juncture and maintainung balanced approach and hawks eye on neighbouring countries which are part of string of pearls. 
And most importantly we have increase army deployment in the borders sharing with these countries in order to psychologically pressurise these rogue states



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