Haves have to look after have not's:by Danish farooq

My dear friends, 
 We all are standing on a cross road, from which the path we need to choose to our destinations is uncertain and the "fear of unknown" is gnawing away our wits and optimism. 
Many of us have to reorganize and re-strategize our goals and livelihood to move ahead in life. 
  At this juncture, a simple question looms large in our minds- "What do we really want to survive and stay afloat in these critical times?" 
  We realise that what we actually want, is extremely limited - food to satisfy our hunger, a roof under which we can sleep fearlessly and peace of mind, more than anything else. 
   Having understood these ultimate realities of life, we also need to realise that mankind needs to stand together, co-exist, extending all possible support to each other, to survive and tide over these turbulent waters. 
   Let me quote a beautiful parable, courtesy OSHO. 
   Once, while loitering on a street, a beggar was taken aback, when a golden Chariot pulled up near him and out came the King.The beggar felt exuberant at the possibility of a generous alm from the King.However the King kept looking at him and suddenly thrust out his hand and asked-" What have you got for me?" 
   The beggar got thoroughly perplexed and  confused.He was never accustomed to giving, but receiving only. He put his hand into his sack and felt the grains he had collected.He couldn't take a handful of grains, but out came his hand with a single grain of wheat. Though his mind screamed a big NO to give, how to refuse a King? 
   The King gratefully accepted the grain and soon moved off in his Chariot. The beggar felt cheated, demoralised. 
   Night came, and in his shelter the beggar heaved the entire grains on the floor. In the dim light of the lamp, a golden grain sparkled.The beggar got devastated.
  Realisation hit hard  on his face.-"What you happily give returns manifold as a precious reward, what you hoard becomes dirt."
   Friends, its not just a parable to tell children. 'Give' and we will be richer. Share food to hungry stomachs,we will survive as mankind and see another bright day. 
    The time has arrived ,as never before - the "HAVEs have to look after the "HAVE NOTs".

🖍️Danish farooq


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